Saturday, December 01, 2007


Words like bugs
swarm around
for we are all outnumbered
etymology, DNA-- our roots
our cruel cold hands
made to move
ticking off with thunderbolts--
think of the stitch
and of the cut
and centrifugal bumble-puppy,
think of dissemination,
and of learning, or not learning...

One monolith for everyone,
the keys ticking down love,
a genesis thunderbolt--
the tomato in your back,
in your wrists,
or in your head.
this is a blank page,
and the note it makes when we break,

my teeth--be bitten,
for you were born to cry or bleed.


rch said...

Hi drook, long time no see, hope all is well. Unfortunately I spend too much time crying for no reason. Take care,


Drook said...

ah yes, but a cry can be a song

or a yell

or a word.

thanks :)